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To: lightwave@webcom.webcom.com
Subject: Re: PShop and NT
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Date: Wed, 9 Aug 95 00:41:42 PDT
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Just for all us Lightwave users who are stuggling with Photoshop (can you
BELIEVE there's no batch capability?!?!), I make this exchange public:
Darren replies:
>Jeric wrote:
>> Darren, so one must INSTALL ps under NT to make it work under NT?
>That's the impression I got.
Tried it today, the install wouldn't work under NT....<sigh>....
following in the footsteps of the illustrious John Gross, I'm re-
installing NT right now....ahh, these mortal foibles....
>> Is it possible to install it twice? Once for NT, once for WIN 3.11?
>I tried this, but if I remember correctly, it didn't work. It certainly would
>e possible if you installed into a different location (I think).
I may try that: until the PVR has NT drivers I'll prolly keep using
>Anyway, it doesn't matter. Install under NT and never use it under normal Wind
>again. As I said, it's _much_ faster under NT. It'll also allow you to load gr
>big huge images under NT. I've loaded 8k x 6k satellite imagery, about
>132MB uncompressed. Try that in Win3.1, or a Mac with less than 64MB.